LEF2020 Logo and Motto have been chosen!
If there is one Italian song that is known all over the world, it’s “Nel Blu Dipinto Di Blu” also known as “Volare” by Domenico Modugno.
Written in Rome in 1957 and presented at the Music Festival of Sanremo in 1958, it is a song that talks about a dream and that introduces the dreamlike vision of a man that becomes one with the color of the sky and that of the eyes of their beloved, to the point of taking flight towards freedom and infinity.
It was a natural choice for the verb “Volare – To Fly” to become the motto of our LEF2020. Especially because it is a word that clearly recalls the ideas of following impossible dreams and of overcoming limits.
Leonardo Da Vinci was already dreaming of being able to make humans fly and centuries were needed for this dream to become reality. It needed sheer belief, genius, hard work and creativity for mankind to fly all over to the moon.
Leos dream of a better world and of being able to make a difference. Every day, we try our best to do just that, overcoming our limits and looking at increasingly far horizons.
The idea of “Volare” represents the challenge, the effort, the exuberance and the joy of being Leos.
Together with the motto, a logo has been chosen.
A simple one, in white and blue, with a print of birds in flight on one side.
Birds are the pioneers of flight of the modern world. They are the ones that showed the way and inspired humankind to think of flight. As Leos, we try to be pioneers of a mentality, that of Service, for our communities. We try to inspire others with our actions, to create the change that will bring us all the way up to the moon.
As for the colors, white and blue are – after our “Tricolore” – the biggest representatives of Italy.
Not only they represent the national identity of our Country, but they also encase our territory: from the white of the snowy mountains in the north to the blue of the Mediterranean Sea in the south… Italy is waiting for you, at LEF2020!